Rare fraternal twins with Down Syndrome filled with joy
These boys are fraternal twins born with Down syndrome which is rare, but they are absolutely beautiful and aways bring a smile to someone
Bella Scotton

Every child is a joy no matter age, gender or disability

These Fraternal Twins Are Bubbling With Life

Milo and Charlie are fraternal twins with the proud parents of Julie and Dan McConnel.

Milo and Charlie Have Down Syndrome


These two little twins with Down syndrome one fall into the statistics of being very rare, although Down Syndrome in itself is not rare. Fraternal twins with Down Syndrome is believed to be a 1 in 14 million chance.

Parents With A Great Approach


Julie and Dan are setting an excellent example and are a rock for other parents who are raising even one child with Down Syndrome.

Giving The World A Glimpse


These parents are not embarrassed about their beautiful boys. In fact, they are super proud of them. They are sharing their story with the rest of the world for a very good reason.

Other Parents Can Take Hope

The McConnels want other parents who have just received a diagnosis of their child to see it is not so scary. They want to share the joy that children with this diagnosis can bring. Also, give them hope that there is so much more available now with children with Down syndrome.

Getting Rid of the Stigma

These parents are on a mission to get rid of the stigma that comes with Down Syndrome and they are using social media to do just that.

Twins But Different


Although the boys are twins, they are totally different in their personalities. One thing that stands out about both of them is their big beautiful smiles!

A-One In A Million Blessing

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Mom and Dad are parents to twins who have Down Syndrome and say the odds were one in a million. Mom also says there is nothing in the world that would convince her to change these two.

The One In Eighty Million Blessing

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The Whittington Twins were born with Down Syndrome. The odds are indicated that for non identical twins to be born with this are one in eighty million.

Rarest Set Of Twins In The World

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For this set of twins, only Michael was born with Down Syndrome, but his twin sister Julia was not.

Yes! These Kids Are Special

They may have one extra chromosome, but they also have a lot more.

Olivia Wilde Supports World Down Syndrome Day

Olivia created this PSA with Anna Rose, who is nineteen from New Jersey.

If you are wondering just how special these kids are, watch the video and then answer AnnaRose’s question at the end.

Baby Gammy

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Sadly there are some parents who just cannot cope with knowing their child has Down Syndrome

One Australian couple abandoned one of their twins that had Down Syndrome but kept the girl who did not have it. The parents have been condemned by many throughout the world. Then to make things worse, it was discovered that the father was a convicted sex offender. The twins had been carried by a surrogate. The couple went into hiding but eventually made themselves available for an interview on 60 Minutes Australia.

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