Students ask teacher hilarious questions during sex ed lesson
It didn't take long for the kid's questions to go viral making everyone on the internet crack up!
Kristin Danley-Greiner

It all starts out so innocently. A Barbie doll going on a date with Ken in her pink Corvette and the next thing you know, Barbie’s pushing a baby carriage. Or maybe it’s a mommy dinosaur kissing a daddy dinosaur and along comes a baby to terrorize the forest.

Little kids have wild imaginations and their naivety when it comes to the birds and bees can be downright adorable. However, because of social media, easy access to certain material and for other reasons, kids learn about sex at a younger age than they used to – sometimes way too soon.


But there comes a time in elementary school when one lucky teacher gets to talk about the kids’ changing bodies in a special presentation. It’s straight forward, it’s education and debunks the myths and tall tales these kids have heard from friends, siblings and elsewhere.

It’s also hysterical.

Oftentimes a male teacher chats with the boys and a female teacher speaks with the girls. They discuss the importance of showering and personal hygiene, menstruation for girls and other topics that make the kids squirm in their seats with embarrassment.


But can you imagine how awkward that must be for the teacher? It’s uncomfortable enough to have the sex talk with your own kids, but what about in front of a classroom full of kids, some who have already started puberty and have revved up hormones.

One Twitter user, @kimyoogyeom, shared on social media that her friend was teaching young students about this very sensitive subject. But the questions the kids had for her friend the teacher had tweeters dying of laughter.

Kim forwarned everyone with her emojis that they were about to get a good laugh.

Twitter/i'm baby(cakes)
Twitter/i'm baby(cakes)

Some elementary sex education programs focus on teaching children the different parts of their bodies, including the medical terms for body parts, so that they possess the appropriate vocabulary for talking about these parts.

They’ll also learn what to expect during puberty. It’s important to grasp anatomy, experts say. So when @kimyoogyeom shared the questions the kids asked her teacher-friend, they were astounding!

Twitter/i'm baby(cakes)
Twitter/i'm baby(cakes)

The questions gained in intensity and hilarity. For example, one student believed that intercourse takes 24 hours!

And one student most definitely needed a lesson in anatomy as shown below, bless his or her heart. Another student asked what many moms likely thought when they first watched the labor and delivery video in Lamaze class: Isn’t there some other way to have a baby?

Twitter/i'm baby(cakes)
Twitter/i'm baby(cakes)

Twitter user Nicole wholeheartedly agreed with the last question.


A former educator chimed in with her own personal experience. When you think about, there’s some hilarious truth to what she says.

Twitter/Mary, Mom of Jesus
Twitter/Mary, Mom of Jesus

Many issues that arise during the rite of passage sex talk in elementary school are incredibly important, such as treating others how you would want to be treated and using respectful language toward others. Most educators must walk that fine line and avoid getting into too much detail about sexual behaviors, but the kids can learn how to respect their own and others’ bodies, which is incredibly important in this #metoo era.

But still, aren’t these kids’ questions innocently adorable? What do you think?

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